Bilocation: Strange Psychic Powers cases from around the world


Weird World: For centuries people all over the world have reported events of a bizarre nature, unexplainable and defying rational logic that, if true, defy the laws of Nature and Reality. In previous articles I have written, strange phenomena such as Alien Abduction, Pyrokinesis, sightings of strange Humanoid beings and the possibility of an Egyptian curse have been examined. Now, for my first article in 2018(and my first article in a while) I shall explore an odd ability that has been reported for centuries, one that can be easily confused with other reported supernatural phenomena and one that defies time, space and matter.

Bilocation is a phenomenon that has been reported for centuries and many philosophies, religions and belief systems have written about and recorded examples of people who have either had the conscious ability(supposedly)or instances of a person being the centre of the phenomena without their knowledge and learning later of being witnessed by people he/she has never met. It is the idea that people can, whether by their own power or something external, be in two places at once, and the ability has been reportedly used by many saints, monks and religious practitioners for many centuries.

Some believe the phenomenon is the "splitting of the consciousness to be present in two locations at the same time”. It is believed by others to be a subconscious occurrence, and the person is usually unaware it is happening. There are cases of people claiming to have learned and used the ability consciously. The phenomenon is usually confused with and attributed to the Doppelganger, equally perplexing supernatural phenomena that has some similarities but is altogether different. Bilocation is usually someone appearing in two different places, whereas a Doppelganger is said to be ones "ghostly double”, a harbinger or omen of death and disaster, sometimes seen by the person themselves before their death or serious tragedy. It is also different from "astral travel"(the ability to leave one's physical body and appear as a ghostly apparition) as usually the "bilocator" is flesh and bone, breathing and interacting with people in both locations. Most bilocation events have reported examples where both have touched people or items, ate or drank in front of others and even suffered physical injury around the same time.

Many of the most well-known and controversial cases of this phenomena are attributed to religious figures. Although the belief that one can appear in more than one place at the same time is not solely a Christian notion, many Catholic saints have reportedly been witnessed "bilocating",and the Vatican considers it one of the core miracles required for sainthood, values it as a sign of high religious precept, and has researched and investigated the phenomenon extensively. The Vatican is rumored to have vigorously investigated hundreds, if not thousands, of cases, and many of the numerous accounts of bilocation in Catholic history are not a mere legend, but rather are well-documented events that have been witnessed by various reliable witnesses and corroborated by those outside of the Catholic faith. The ability to bilocate has long been considered by the Church to be "a gift from God",a power bestowed onto those who need it for the purpose of attending to important matters and acts of mercy or charity many kilometres away,(or in some cases on the other side of the world!)such as treating the sick or dying,or at times when they need to do God’s will but cannot possibly physically be in a certain location at a certain time.

A number of famous cases are reported to have occurred between the 1300's- 1700's by a number of missionaries or priests who some say were even able to trilocate(appearing in three different places at the same time, sometimes on different continents!)In one example, a priest living in Peru was said to have been able to speak fluently in many different languages, despite the fact he had never been educated to speak anything other than his native tongue,and many claims he never even physically left his monastery in his lifetime,yet he was reportedly seen by many in China, Japan, Mexico, France, Northern Africa, and the Phillippines. It is claimed he once threatened a man who saw him in China and years later visited his monastery, telling the man he did not wish for people to know of his ability.

Many priests in these years are said to have been witnessed by many on numerous occasions preaching a sermon at the pulpit while simultaneously hearing confessions in other areas of the church, or aiding in the kitchens metres away.

People from all walks of life are recorded as being able to bilocate.
A more modern case involves a schoolteacher by the name of Teresa Higginson, who while living in England in 1844 reportedly was seen regularly in a remote village in Africa teaching school children there,She was known by many to have "fallen into spells of unconsciousness" at separate times in Britain,some lasting for days,and Higginson was usually around when other phenomena appeared, such as "poltergiest" activity and miraculous healings involving children. She herself could never fully explain her abilities, and many school staff from Africa verified Higginson was the lovely lady teacher from England who taught the local children the English language and lived on the grounds nearby. However, this story appears online in several versions, with contradictory dates and places used in each version, so it is unclear if any of this story is indeed fact.

Different theories abound as to what is behind this ability if it exists. Many consider it to be something we all possess, and can possibly master through "sheer conscious power of will and thought".Another strain of thought posits it is an unconscious extension of one's self, projected and manifested in times of stress or need, while another notion suggests is a Universal force or forces at work, something natural but not fully understood as of yet. Another theory suggests visitation by an alternate version of the bilocator from another dimension or universe, appearing in this reality for a specific or undetermined reason or purpose.

The next time someone tells you that they can't be at two places at once, perhaps stop and wonder.

What are your thoughts, is bilocation a real phenomenon?
Skeptics argue such stories are hoaxes or mass delusions, could they be right?

Words by Matthew Sweeney

[Note: Words and views are of the author  only ]

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