An Account of Bodo Indigenous Games

Sports: Instinctive nature starts from the womb of the mother, and this instinct compels the human being to do the initial physical exercise partly or wholly. According to the physical development in the infant stage, the human being try to crawl, sit, stand and walk which are parts of the physical exercise, and they later try to play with the surrounding material.So from the above development of physical exercise, as per development of the growing children they use to play with their friends and groups mixing with others and in the course of time different types of games are developed among them. It may be observed the indigenous games are played by the players with the locally available materials.Initially in a course of time, the games are adopted by others.Perhaps,the indigenous games of the world might have come in the same trend.

Since time immemorial,the Bodos have been playing different kinds of indigenous game.The games-Ghila,Dohob,Khwi,Daria-fantha,Mwkhra,Daokha,Batha,Gorla,Bwrai-Burwi,Raja,Awl-Dimwl,were the most popular games among the Bodos.Apart from above the popular minor games like Bwlw Sunai, Benglur, Bwrla Gaonai,Bikhar,Fins,Khikhor,Chol,Sandanga,Narnai,Dongfang Surukhwnai,Jong Thankinai, Jakhra Thankhinai,Goncha Swnai, Khutia Bukhunai etc are found among the Bodo. The martial arts like Khomlainai,Gondrai Sibnai, Dahal Thungri Sibnai are also worth mentioning in the matter of indigenous games of Bodos.

Due to various reasons, many of the indigenous games played by the Bodos were abandoned in recent years and the games started disappearing from the society.However,the chances for revival and revitalization of the said games  have appeared again due to the strenuous efforts being made by the organizing these games.
In the year 1984, a rough study on the indigenous games was done and restarted for practice and thereafter demonstration, competitions of some major and minor indigenous games have been arranged at different levels and places in Bodo-dominated areas. Thus, these games now get a sigh of relief from disappearance.The existing Bodoland Indigenous Games Association which has been taking keen interest in a revitalization of such games has created a land mark in promoting particular indigenous games like Khomlainai to the modern sports and thus the Khomlainai are extended to National and International Levels.

On the other hand, although there is man power for organizing such increasing huge activities of indigenous  games and the modern Khomlaina,a better management is required with immediate effect. Since the financial involvement is increasing largely in organizing these indigenous games and modern Khomlainai the patronage of BTC for funding is needed.

Characteristics of the Indigenous Games:

1.      The game is played with locally available material.
2.      Rules are oral and flexible.
3.      Competitions are held by mutual invitation between the villages to show the superiority/skills/strength/pride etc.
4.      Cultural attachment found.
5.      No incentives,prizes,awards,trophies are arranged.
6.      Tradition is maintained.
7.      Matches have neither financial arrangement nor committee or formalities.
8.      Disputes are removed through mutual understanding and if required elder of the villages who come to witness the games are called for.

The indigenous games are precisely connected with the way of living conceding with the surrounding of natural characters. In fish hunting,the Bodos have special implement-spear (Jakhara).

For hunting of wild animals in the jungles, the Bodos used spear,bows & arrows and sword(Thungri).The agricultural implements-Sandanga, Songri and laothi(Stick) were commonly used by the Bodos.As religious factor is concerned-Dahal Thungri,Thokon,Jong,Bwrla,Thungri Sibbai are used.

The natural environment contributes in originating of indigenous games.The names of some indigenous games are found after the name of material implement or nature of game.For instance-Dohob,after the Dohob plant and Gila from Gila plant.The Daokha/Daodwi has resembled with the nature of the crow.Similarly ,the Mwkhra game also comes from imitation of the monkey.These games are generally held during the festivals of the Bodos although some games run round the year.

Words by Lt.Chanakya Brahma

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