Conquering that Inner Demon

Sources:Photo by Paul Kerby Genil from Pexels

Key Points: Thinking : Self : Mindset : Life


[Summary: If you ever feel stuck in life and then try to find solution instead of crying for the Problem. Positive comparison will help you deal with any bad situation in life .While Negative Comparison negative thoughts will not lead you to happy fulfill life ]   


 We all have that voice, that lay within us that tell us why? we are mean to fail and it even come with valid proof. We listen to it (only to feel bad of our own self) I want you to think of this, you want to improved your life or to destroy your life.


 You will have to make a choice. It will be hard, I know but you will have to. If you want to see yourself in that place, position and status that you have been dreaming from years from now.

Than, you will have to do it (I mean making the choice) you are used to living in that old self so much that you don't feel like leaving that old self behind.

 It does not mean that you can't live without it. You are going back in same emotional pattern is because your are playing back the same emotional pattern of thinking over again and again that lead you to stuck in that pattern of thinking.

            Here is what I want you to do now to get out of that pattern of thinking

a) If you feel like stuck than find a solution :- Let's say you get stuck in a traffic (Instead of cursing it) you will say oh! I will listen to  podcast now . Here, you're  not making yourself feel bad. But, instead you are changing the direction of the situation of feeling bad into feeling good. This might seem find in the moment, if you keep using it you will find it useful in the future too.

b) Comparison :- Whenever you compare yourself with others. Flip it into positive comparison instead of going into negative comparison. Let's say you are feeling bad that you have a pimple on your face. Find someone who got into beauty industry despite having worst looking face or a body. Here your flipping the coin (I mean you are turning negative feeling into positive) Instantly you will feel good instead of feeling bad. Because here you are comparing with someone who is worst than you!

Words by Mao

[Love listening to Podcast than check Mind Mastery Podcast : ]


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