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I don't know how much time you spend on Social Media. But, we do know one thing for sure. That is! You are here and reading this because you are addicted to Social Media or maybe you are reading this for general information.
Today! We are here to help you get rid of Social Media Addiction for good. We will not talk about Social Media Addiction effects, let's leave them to the professional.
Number - 1: Exist Point
Here is what we mean by Exist point - a month ago I accidentally posted an old post ( as if it was a new post) from my media company's Facebook/Page on my WhatsApp status. Later, I removed it. By the time I removed it close to 5 people had already viewed it and I felt really embarrassed. And since then, I have stopped posting on WhatsApp status. You too can use such incidents as an existing point like I did.
Number - 2: Deleting the Apps
Tim Ferries, author of a book called ' The 4-Hour Work Week ' shared (In one of the YouTube Channel videos) how deleting the Social Media Apps from his cell phone helped him get rid of Social Media addiction. As there will be no Social Media app on your phone. So, what's there to check?
Number - 3: Set time for use
Set a suitable time for Social Media use maybe 10-11Am (Morning) or 12Pm-2pm (Afternoon). Yes, it will be hard to do, but over time you will get used to it.
Number - 4: Relating it to Pain
Your Brain will do anything to avoid pain. We can use it to our advantage. Relate too much use of Social Media use with pain. It could be physical pain or psychological pain. That way you can avoid too much use of Social Media use with pain.
Number - 5: Have an Intention
Those companies who are running Social Media are not fooled. They spend billions of dollars every year just to make you hooked on their service. So, if you don't have a specific intention why? You are using it. You are more likely to get trapped badly. So, know what you are going to do and why? You want to do it.
Words by Mao
[Before you go make sure to check out these great books - You never know if these great books could be the next life-changing book do comment below and let us know what you think about this article]
1. Atomic Habits: http://fkrt.it/sTZjmRuuuN
2. Digital Minimalism: http://fkrt.it/b!tG5hNNNN
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