Word and Origin (Most Common Words)

           Bodoland G.K: We often think when we encounter a word on the internet or in a book or from any other source, we only think. It is enough knowing the meaning of the word. Then the origin.So, I decided to bring you all some of the common words origins.

1)     Sandwich: It is said that, in the year 1762 when John Montagu, who was busy playing cards, he wanted to eat something as he was feeling hungry. His thought, to have light food which can be eaten neither without leaving the table nor without using knife or fork. He ordered the waiter to bring two slices of roast beef between two slices of bread. That’s how Sandwich got its name today.

2)     Robot: The Robot word means any man-made machine that can perform work or other actions normally performed by humans,either automatically,or by remote control. Robot word was the first to coin in the book ‘I,Robot’ by Issac Asimov.

3)     Blockbusters: A person who loves watching a movie might have heard this word several times. The word comes from 1940’s which was coined by American press of Arial bombing which blocks the streets blocks. Later, the entertainment industry adopted the word ‘It is used for successful films or plays or novels that come huge success in their respective genre’.

4)     Atlas: We all know the meaning of ‘Atlas’ Book of Maps .The word ‘Atlas’ first got its name from the Greek Mythology character .Who was so big that he could actually hold it in its shoulder.

 Words by The Bodo Tribe 18  (Team)

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