Forest Hotel in China ‘Soon it will be a Reality'

Local NEWS: A forest hotel! The incredible luxury hideaway covered in trees. If you love the idea of sleeping in a forest but struggle to enjoy an escape without life’s luxuries, then this hotel could be for you.

Rather than just immersing guests in a far-flung location, an innovative architectural firm has gone one step further by taking its inspiration for a new hotel entirely from nature. Mountain Forest Hotel in the Wanfeng Valley, in Guizhou, China will be built as a vertical forest resembling a mountainscape that originally existed at the site.

The 250-room property is the latest brainchild of Stefano Boeri Architetti (SBA), the design studio responsible for ground-breaking forest skyscrapers in Milan, Italy and Lausanne, Switzerland.

By imitating a hill, flattened years ago, the concept aims to emulate the ‘original topography and ecosystem’ of the Ten Thousand Peaks region.
Set in 400 acres of rolling hills, the hotel will feature a gym, lounge, VIP area, bar, restaurant and conference room.

The towering structure will be covered with trees to clean the air and to ensure guests feel like they are bedding down in the wild. A local artist, Simon Ha, is collaborating on the interior design of the property with Hong Kong based Catchet Hotel Group.

Source: (Mail Online)

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