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yourself to do things you hate is like trying to get up early in the morning to
exercise on a winter morning.
You know you
want to wake up each morning, but you can't!
I can't give
you magic
pills that will help you overcome this core problem that we all face on
a daily basis.
However, I
can offer something that can assist you in dealing with these challenges.
further delay let’s start-
Break big tasks into small steps: Want to meditate,
every day. Do it for 5 minutes a day for 30 days. Soon, you will find it has
formed a habit. Most people failed to accomplish their goals not because of a lack of resources. Mostly because of not being able to do it every day. Sometimes inpatient is also the root cause of it. Don’t think, too much. Oh! 30 days – I
don’t have time or this and that problem. Don’t makeup so many stories in your
head. Otherwise, you will feel like
giving up even before you start.
Practical Step:
Let’s say- I want to meditate for 30 days.
Step 1: I will download a meditation video from YouTube or (Meditation) App.
Step 2: I will make clear in my mind all the benefits
that I will get because of meditation.
[You have to make your why? clear > Why? do you want to mediate for 30 days? Clearer your why? The stronger your why (reason
to do it) you are more likely to repeat it]
Step 3: I will fix a time (Morning after waking up from bed and night before going to bed)
Step 4: Feel free to change your meditation (video) or app from time to time. When you start to feel bored after
using it for a long time. (I change my meditation video from time to time. When
I start to feel bored that way I keep my momentum with it)
2. Pre-visualise (doing it) - Pre-visualise is powerful. It is also used by
many well-known personalities like Nikola Tesla, Arnold, and so on. When we
pre-visualize doing some time (before we even start) we get the idea of how to
begin and what are the obstacles. What could go wrong? How will I overcome this
problem and who can help me to achieve this goal, and why do I want to achieve it. What
will be my reaction, when I achieved it mine and others.
Practical Step:
Let’s say -> ‘ I want to be a body builder’ or to build a muscle
Step 1 -> As I am lean and thin – my best step will be to gather the courage to convince my mom and myself to go to the gym every day. (So! that I
achieved that goal- I will imagine myself thinking convincing my mom like, why
do I want to go to the gym? what are my motives for going there?
Remember this; you must think about all these very vividly as possible.
And, I will find those people who are already going to the gym or convinces one or two friends so that they join with me.
‘ Your brain can’t distinguish the difference between real and imaginary
3. Reward yourself (Whenever you complete any task) – B.F Skinner (American Behavioral Psychologist) conducted a famous experiment in that experiment. He put a pigeon in a cage. In that cage, there was a red button. Whenever the pigeon would press that button, he would get food. After, some day he (pigeon) learns that. If he presses that red button he would get food. Later, in the experiment, B.F Skinner (American Behavioral Psychologist) twists the plot, by giving an electric shock (Whenever the pigeon presses the button. He would get a shock)
So, when
(pigeon) got the food by pressing that red button. His (Brain) associated that
red button with food. And after that same red button gave a shock when he
press it. He (pigeon) now begins to think (Red Button) = (Pain) no longer a
food. (Even, if he got food after getting a shock) Still, he will hesitate
because shock = pain and pain = dead (That way, he thought saw the whole scenario) completely in a new light.
Practical tip:
Let’s say you want to read 5 pages each day and you hate reading.
Step 1: Find a book that you want to read now that won’t be easy. Let’s say you hate reading your prime goal should be to find a book on that genre that you are naturally drawn to.
Step 2: Don’t use social media before reading a book it is known for decreasing productivity.
Step 3: Set a time for you are reading session. Let’s say you
go to bed around 10 pm (Keep that book you want to read near to your bed) and
pick up the book to read.
Step 4: Always reward yourself every time you complete this
task. It could be eating, watching a video on youtube, or whatever you like doing. This habit will be
linked to reading.
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