Six Strange beauty tricks that work

We all have our weird little beauty secrets that helps us to look great, and sometimes the strangest tips and tricks are the ones that work the best. If you've tried every skin cream and shampoo under  the sun and are searching for something new, check out these unconventional beauty fixes that can solve your beauty problems.


Strange beauty trick 1 : Fade scars with raw potato

Many of us suffer from skin blemishes and acne to some extent from time to time, and these can often leave red marks and scars on your skin long after the blemish has gone. To help fade red marks and facial scars, try treating your skin with potato juice. To try this treatment, simply cut a potato in half then rub it all over the relevant area, letting the potatoes juices cover the skin.


Strange beauty trick 2 : Prime oily skin with laxatives

Laxative medicine may not be the first thing that springs to mind in your quest for perfect skin, however if you're hoping to combat oily skin and leave your face looking matte then Milk of Magnesia - a liquid laxative and antacid medicine- could be the answer  to all your problems.


Strange beauty trick 3 : Whiten your teeth with crunchy vegetables

If you're longing for whiter, stain - free teeth, then keeping some fruit and vegetable to hand could help to brighten your smile. Dark foods and  bacteria from leftover food particles can lead to yellow, stained teeth. However, following meals with crunchy fruits and vegetables such as apples ,celery, and carrots can help to minimize staining and whiten teeth. 

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